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Freedom to Love

Let us explore the tragedy of freedom lost and the hope of a renewed freedom to love. 

Loss of true freedom is a global, cultural issue that at times becomes more intense. At various times in our lives, we find our freedom stopped by rules and how we respond says much about our understanding.

We take it for granted that you cannot play a game of football without rules. Rules do not get in the way of the game, they make the game possible even if occasionally they are tested and challenged.

Rules provide order and make life worthwhile and keep relationships faithful and true. They also are inextricably linked to the deepest things we believe about God and the values He has set. 

In the west, the Judeo‐Christian tradition, has been shaped by the Ten Commandments along with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. 

So how can it help us to live in FREEDOM?


Paul shares both an admonition and a warning  


“For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not

turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh

Galatians 5:13


You shall know the truth and

the truth shall set you free

John 8:32

As surely as truth sets us free, the lack of truth produces bondage.

A thought, often selfish, needs taking captive so that it does not form a mental picture in our mind, “seeing” our fears, anxieties and worries play over and over in an often destructive way. Such vain imaginations have replaced moral absolutes.

Permissiveness and tolerance are lifted as moral ideals. The definition of tolerance (defined as respect for other people without necessarily sharing their ideals, beliefs, and practices) has been twisted to mean that all individual beliefs, values, lifestyles, and “truths” are equal in value.

This challenges the Rules.

A point to ponder ?

Hope Filled Living

In Turbulent times?

We all have had dashed hopes.

Perhaps during the Covid-19 pandemic you hoped it would be over by Summer 2020 - It wasn`t.

You may have hoped it would not effect schools, or work  -  It did.

We hoped it wouldn`t affect our holidays, trips, sport  - It did.

We may have hoped Covid would not touch our family and friends  - but sadly for many it has.

Life is full of ups and downs, and twists and turns like a roller-coaster.

I hope to get that job - but I didn`t.

I hope to get that raise, - but I didn`t.

I hoped the hospital tests would be negative - but they weren`t

I hoped to have that relationship - but it didn`t turn out that way.

Sun rise 12-2-21 Liz Vale.

Being at the top of the roller-coaster can be phenomenal, like watching the colours of a sunset, and you want to share that experience with others.  Similarly when circumstances bring you to the bottom of the valley,  darkness has come and it is good to have someone to share with.   

We all need hope filled living in turbulent times.  

Here are some things to ponder:

1.     Me Managing Me! Beginning with My Hope-filled Thinking!  

        Our emotions have a major impact on our behaviour, and sometimes run wild from our thinking.  Can you distinguish fact

        from feelings and resulting behaviour?  Have you someone who can listen, reflect, and challenge you?

2.     Relate rather than react

        We may have a tendency to react first, but the ability to relate and check your perspective can be helpful.

3.     Cultivating Gratitude Reduces Stress

        A good way to begin to help our selves is to seek out the positives and give thanks for them. It even changes our physical            well being!

4.     Don`t ride the roller-coaster of life alone! 

        "It`s not good for humanity to be alone" is meant for both good and difficult times. Put energy in fostering relationships.

5.     Caring connections brings the hope of improved relationships.

        As we show care to others so we will experience care in return.

Getting to know Jesus 

Hope for the Hopeless

Being Real

Be Encouraged - You are not alone - Hope is in the World

boy alone.

Being a Christian does not make you immune to depression, hopelessness, or ...    worse.

The story is not an uncommon one. But when someone dares to share their story and negative feelings, others reactions can sadly be less than helpful.  When events are relayed to friends,  often they react as if such feelings are wrong and there is some mental instability. People may even figure that commitment to Christ  is lacking or inadequate.

Even Christians have normalized many struggles that humans go through. If someone has an addiction, compassionate prayer is extended, and help to connect them to a suitable  support group. For those with marriage or relationship difficulties there are workshops and counselling services. Temptation, gluttony, debt, gossiping, pride  are part of a list of problems a Christian fellowship willingly addresses. Personal issues like these are met with a warm and extended hand; they are the types of downfalls people feel comfortable seeking help for.   But depression, loss of hope....

Christians are called to engage with their faith, trusting God, committed to prayer, and understanding God’s great love for them. The sad reality is that a perceived judgmental reaction makes everything worse. Depression leaves people feeling isolated and hopeless, and when fellow Christians alienate us or downplay what we’re going through, it serves to accentuate the reach of darkness in our souls. Equally difficult is when those struggling feel unable to voice their desperation out of fear of being judged, leaving them even more susceptible to despair and to the danger of not having a sounding board. God knew what He was doing when He said

it is "not good for people to be alone". That`s why He provided a helpmate, families and the church.

The Light shines in the darkness, 

and the darkness has not overcome it

      John 1:5

God knew what He was doing when He urged us

to confess our sins to one another. But it`s not just sin. 

It is in secret where Satan does his most devastating work. 

If people know that others can pray, advocate, and intercede, all of which are antidotes to the devil’s sinister plans.


Be Encouraged by His Word

You are my refuge and my shield;

I have put my hope in your word

Psalm 119:114

God’s Word has an amazing ability to encourage

our hearts and buoy our hope.

Like us, the disciples faced challenges and uncertainties. 

They faced a terrifying storm on the Sea of Galilee. 

Jesus knows what we are encountering.


Consider this word from Scripture:

Jesus saw them straining at the oars

because the winds were against them

        Mark 6:48

Since God’s Word was written so that we would be encouraged, what encouragement can we find in Mark’s account of the disciples’ struggle? We find hope in this scripture because Mark 6:48 reminds us that we have a God who sees us in our struggle! Jesus, who is our Great High Priest and the One who lives to intercede for us, sees our struggles just as He saw the disciples. 

What are you straining with?

You might be weary of straining financially, relationally, physically, or spiritually. You might be experiencing the tormenting waves of anxiety, a questioning faith, health issues or unpaid bills. Our hope is strengthened when we are reminded that He is near. Our hearts are encouraged when we are reminded that our Great High Priest is praying for us! The promise of Scripture and the prayers of our Saviour combine to entice and empower us into a prevailing hope. As Christ prays for you, He wants you to hear His Word. into a prevailing hope. As Christ prays for you, He wants you to hear His Word.

He always lives to intercede for them      

Hebrews 7:25

Arab man


Imagine Jesus at prayer, interceding for His people. 

Picture Him praying for you. Imagine that you are there to witness Him praying, as the disciples often did. As you approach Jesus, you hear Him fervently praying for the needs of your life and the burdens of your heart. 

What does it do to your heart to know that Jesus, your Saviour and Lord, loves you so much that He is interceding for your needs and praying that you might hear Him? 

Tell the Lord what you are sensing in your heart: As I consider that You are praying for me,  for the needs of my life and that I might hear You more clearly, it brings ____________ to my heart. (e.g. : joy, peace, gladness, thanks, excitement, awe, or wonder). 

Pause to pray, worshiping the Lord with gladness. Share with Him your thanksgiving and praise

Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.    Psalm 100:2

into a prevailing hope. As Christ prays for you, He wants you to hear His Word.

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