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Epiphany means appearance or manifestation

sahara camel chain.

Who were the Magi?
Many versions of the Bible refer to them as the Wise Men. "Kings" is a more poetic rendition. They were likely to be non-Jews who were experienced astronomers. 

Coming 12 days after Christmas, the time celebrates the arrival of

the Magi to see Jesus, their expected king.

In some cultures, Epiphany is known as the Day of the Kings. It is also known as Twelfth Night, reflecting an old custom of giving a gift for each of the days from December 25 to January 6 for the 12 days of Christmas. 

The Magi began their journey because of their beliefs.
It was a common belief that when a world leader like a king was born that a special stellar phenomenon would appear in the sky. The Magi saw something that convinced them that they had seen the long-awaited sign. Historians tell us that the Jews, Romans, and Persians were all watching the skies about that time, looking for signs of the birth of an extraordinary king. A few years before, around 11 BC, Halley's Comet had been seen. There were other stellar phenomena, including the bright star, Sirius, which appeared in the daytime instead of at night. The Wise Men saw the star and began their journey.

What gives you inspiration for this year's journey?

The Wise Men were willing to follow what they had seen into unknown territory.
Their journey took them outside their country and their comfort zone. The Wise Men risked the consequences of disobeying Herod, who was known to behave as a madman when provoked and returned to their country by another way.

What peaks your curiosity? Have you acted on that curiosity?

The Christian journey is often an off-road excursion.

Recall times when you went "off-road" for your faith, stepping into the unknown.

The Wise Men were committed to the journey -- wherever the star might lead.
The Wise Men set out to find a newborn King by following a star and ended up in finding a baby born to young, relatively poor parents! Not exactly what they expected and not exactly what befit their dignity as priests, diplomats, astronomers..

Have you experienced unexpected outcomes?

What feelings arose?  Excited, disturbed, questioning, ... ?

In the coming year, may we look to heaven for guidance and comfort and may we accept God's blessings in whatever forms we find them, just as the Wise Men accepted that their long, expensive journey led them to a baby born to young, inexperienced poor parents.

The Magi brought expensive Gifts :  Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh.    These are described as symbolic for a king, priest and death

Gold was a gift for Kings, and the Magi accepted the baby Jesus as the king of the Jews. Gold is also a symbol of Divinity and is mentioned throughout the Bible. Pagan idols were often made from gold and the Ark of the Covenant was overlaid with gold (Ex 25:10-17).

Frankincense is highly fragrant when burned and is used in worship, where it was burned as a pleasant offering to God (Ex 30:34) It is a symbol of holiness and righteousness. The gift of frankincense to the Christ Child was symbolic of his willingness to become a sacrifice, wholly giving himself up.

In the bleak midwinter ...

What can I give him, poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd, I could give a Lamb.

If I were a wise man, I could do my part.

What I can I give Him?  Give Him my heart!” 

Myrrh was used by the High Priest as an anointing oil (Ex 30:23) It was also used in ancient times for embalming bodies before burial. It was also sometimes mingled with wine to form an article of drink. (Mt 27:34) refers to it as “gall.” Such a drink was offered to, and refused by Jesus when he was crucified, as a stupefying potion (Mk 15:23). Myrrh symbolizes bitterness, suffering, and affliction. 


The Magi were prepared to take risks

Following the Star took the Magi to unfamiliar terrain, but when they went to see King Herod they were entering danger.  Herod was known to have murdered his rivals and family members.  Herod told them to return with news of their search but they chose disobedience, and returned home via another route.

Have you been challenged to choose right contrary to authority?  What was the decision making like?

The Magi were Blessed

They had a guiding star, companionship, wealth, as they sort the new King. They looked beyond themselves, in contrast to Herod who was trying to hold on to his power.

What is your attitude to life?  Pray asking Jesus to help develop more wholesome attitudes towards life.


The Jews, God`s chosen people, had prophetic revelation through their "story" - particularly in the Exodus.

They also had the wisdom of the Prophets foretelling the Messiah`s coming. 

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is

given and the government will be upon his shoulder and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father 

Prince of Peace."      Isaiah 9:6

In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in

the land.  Jeremiah 13:15

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”             Micah 5:2

“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.”         

Isaiah 7:14

The Magi astronomers who would be gentiles received revelation from their expertise which they didn`t ignore.  Their action opened up the revelation to the Gentile world.

The Gospel story also speaks of Shepherds receiving the announcement of Christ`s birth.  They would be Jews, but were still despised as they were poor, failed to fulfil Jewish customs due to their smelly, wondering work.

They too can be seen as a representative type of people on the margins.

Joseph and Mary, took Jesus to the Temple to fulfil the Law. Luke 2:22; cf. Exodus 13:1–2). It is during their visit to the temple that Simeon saw Jesus, the long-awaited “consolation of Israel.” We don’t know how long Simeon had waited, but we do know that he was led by the Spirit to go to the temple that day, and he recognized Jesus the moment he saw Him.

When Simeon saw the baby Jesus, he picked Him up in his arms and said,
“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel”    Luke 2:29–32.

Simeon’s words declare that: i Jesus would be the salvation of the world, ii He would deliver truth not only to those in Israel but also to the Gentiles, and iii Jesus would bring glory upon the people of Israel. He came for ALL.


Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about

the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.  Luke 2:38

At this moment another, Anna, recognised the significance of the baby.  She was an old

prophetess who was waiting in the Temple.  She fulfilled the Law by praying in the Temple

precincts when she saw Jesus with his parents.  She patiently waited but now received her reward -

seeing the Messiah and told all who were seeking redemption.


As you read these snippets, who do you most align with?

How might you increase your alignment with knowing God and His ways?

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