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Holy Week Reflections

Rest in God                        "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."  Mark 6:31

Holy Week, leading up to Easter, is a time perfectly suited to consider and meditate on Christ's life, death, and resurrection.

This is offered to serve as a guide toward worshiping with all our heart and soul. May Holy Week be filled with worship and our eyes be focused on our Saviour and Lord.

Palm Sunday  


Imagine our Queen on her coronation day! Her flowing gown, decked with sparkling jewels, surrounded by a formal procession of royal servants and guards as she heads towards her palace, In a spectacular carriage drawn by immaculate white horses. Like Her Majesty, Jesus carefully arranges an exciting arrival into Jerusalem for his own kind of coronation. But unlike most kings, He chooses to ride in on a baby donkey.

You may wonder, why a donkey? Jesus did this to fulfil what the prophet Zechariah predicted the true Messiah would do, hundreds of years earlier.  His adoring fans and disciples throw their worn coats and palm branches on the ground before Him. This scene fits Jesus, because He is a humble king.
Just before this in Chapter 20, Jesus emphasizes to His disciples that “whoever would be great among you must be your servant” (v. 26). He’s a king who wants to serve His people.

Until this day, Jesus didn’t call for attention, and on some occasions sought to avoid it. But now He’s getting ready to go to the cross to die for us, and He declares to everyone who He is. He’s not about looks or riches like earthly kings, He’s about transforming the people’s hearts for the Heavenly Kingdom. He’s inviting them to see Him as the Messiah ,the Saviour of the world. Many people do, shouting, “Hosanna!” meaning “Save us now!”

“... even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and  to give his life

as a ransom for many.”    Matthew 20:28

palm sunday


Jesus, You are the King of Kings, we shout that with joy today! Thank you

for coming from your Heavenly throne

to serve Your people and save us

from sin. Your Kingdom is not like the world’s. Help us to remember that,

seek to be humble as you were. In

Jesus’s Name,                  Amen.

Dominus Flevit  

 "As Jesus approached Jerusalem and

saw the City, he wept over it"  

 Luke 19:41


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:

"May those who love you be secure. "

Psalm 122:6

dominus flevit to jerusalem
dominus flevit.


Jesus has announced that He is King.  What’s the first thing He does?
Jesus is no ordinary King. He wishes to purify, + clean, people’s hearts from sin. He starts at the temple, a beautiful place where the people of Israel would go to worship the one true God.  The temple was supposed to be a sanctuary - or a quiet place to pray, confess sin, and offer to God. Instead many had turned it into a busy marketplace. It was no longer a holy or special, set apart place for worshipers, but a place filled with people looking to take power or money from the weak. Jesus wished to show everyone that this was wrong  He showed His authority as the Son of God.
Jesus also showed compassion and love. Some of the lowliest, most needy and hurting people came to Him, because they knew He cared about them. Jesus displayed His power and mercy as King, healing the sick.

western wall.

Western Wall (of Temple), Jerusalem, Israel


Jesus, we praise You that you are holy, and love Your people enough to show us when we are wrong. You care about our hearts. You are full of compassion and grace! Your power is so strong - You can heal us in every way! Like the children at the temple, we recognize that You are God and our Saviour! Hallelujah!    Amen.


Jesus loved teaching in parables to tell us a spiritual truth A parable is a story that tells us a spiritual truth or lesson.  Read Luke 20:9-18, the sad story of the vineyard tenants.  It speaks of how people would reject the king. because he was not the type they wanted, even though He was God’s Son.  Let’s focus on the word “cornerstone” that Jesus says in verse 17. A cornerstone is the most important brick, or piece, in a building. It supports all the bricks without which the building would fall!  Jesus is saying He is the cornerstone of God’s people. It is Him that God’s church of believers will be built upon because of His sacrifice

on the cross and resurrection. that we celebrate at Easter time.  He’s

the foundation of our faith.

Ephesians 2:19-21 says:     

   "So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole building, being put together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord."

The stone the builders         rejected has become 

             the cornerstone"

Temple corner trumpet stone

South-West Corner of Temple, Ophel Excavation site 

This is the "Trumpet Stone" that would have been on the top corner

rather that the Corner-stone on which all was built.


John 13 : 1 - 17   

 “Do you understand what I have done for you?”

Foot washing was an ancient custom of hospitality when roads were dusty and guests wore sandals. Jesus provides an act of service as they joined for the Passover meal celebrating freedom.  Normal sitting for the meal was replaced with reclining on the Passover night taking hold of ancient memorial of finding freedom as they departed from Egypt. Still under Roman rule, such practice would be the norm for the Romans.  The intent of Jesus` words is to follow His new command to love

one another - and to serve is love in action.


                    Mark 14:3-11
Before Jesus goes to the cross, we have a record of a precious picture of faith. and devotion. Mary - one of Jesus’s closest friends and followers, comes to Jesus at dinner, kneels , and offers this extravagant gift. “Why did she do this?” and “Why oil?” It seemed like such a waste of money. But Jesus says, “She has done a beautiful thing.” He knew her heart. In pouring out that expensive oil Mary was pouring out worship.
Without even saying a word, she expressed how worthy He was as her Saviour. He was worth more than all the oil in the world. Though Mary didn’t know Jesus would die soon, she knew that Jesus truly deserved everything she had and that His time there with them was priceless. So she gave to Him without hesitation, and she gave her all.  Her act came from humility, thankfulness, and love She recognized Him as King before many others, and realized what a treasure it was to have His presence among them,. She shows us nothing is too much to sacrifice for our Lord Jesus welcomed her gift of oil, the same oil that would be poured out on a body after death.

2 girls


Jesus, like Mary we come before you in awe and worship. You are worthy of everything! You are so precious to us - there is no one like You. We adore you with all our hearts. You deserve everything we have. You are the King who died to give us life. We can never repay You - we can only rejoice in Your priceless grace. We love you.                                  Amen.

Maundy Thursday

passover table.

We now participate in the Lord’s Supper to remember this special meal, proclaim Jesus’ death on the cross, and to look forward to His future coming. During the Lord’s supper, the bread and wine represents His death on the cross where we remember 

that animal sacrifice was no longer required because Jesus` death paid the price .bringing forgiveness and special relationship.      Let`s celebrate!


Jesus and His disciples ate a Passover meal. remembering God`s miraculous freedom for His people from Egypt. 

“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim

the Lord's death until he comes.”  1 Corinthians 11:26

During the Lord’s supper, we eat bread and drink wine. Jesus said the bread represents His physical death on the cross. He said we should drink from the cup to remember “the blood of the covenant.” What does the blood of the covenant mean?
In the Old Testament, God said that the consequence of turning away from God was death. In order to be forgiven for disobeying God, He allowed people to sacrifice animals in their place. If they wanted to continue their covenant,  special relationship with God, they had to continually be

sacrificing animals because they kept turning away from God. Jesus

used His last meal with His disciples to tell us that His blood was going

to be the new blood of the covenant. It was going to completely pay

the price for our sin, allowing us to be completely forgiven and in a

new covenant, a new special relationship with Him!
We take communion to remember this and to look forward to the day

when we will be with Jesus, enjoying great feasts with Him, forever!

food table.


Jesus, thank you for the picture of the Lord’s Supper. Help us to always remember why You died on the cross and what You accomplished there.

Thank you for taking the punishment we deserve. We are excited about the day we will join You forever in Heaven! Amen.

Good Friday

Following the Passover meal, Jesus went across the Kidron Valley (the dark valley) to a garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives. Gethsemane means `olive press.` Within this grove of Olives

Jesus would be pressed mentally and spiritually, as He wrestled with what lay before Him. When pressed, olives are crushed

under tremendous pressure and initially spilling blood red before

we get the beautiful golden green oil we know after processing.

Olive Crusher

Trial + Crucifixion

After arrest Jesus was taken to the religious court at Caiaphas House - why? The religious authorities in power needed to provide evidence for a charge that could go before the Roman authorities who alone had the penalty of death.

caiaphus steps.

Jesus was then taken to Pilate, probably to the Antonia Palace and barracks that overlooks the Temple precincts that would have the Passover crowds, or possibly Herod`s Palace which was in the region of David`s Citadel and Pilate`s residence when in Jerusalem

Steps from Kidron Valley to Caiaphas Palace

soldiers game lithostratus.
ecco Homo. arch

David`s Citadel at Jaffa Gate

<-- Ecco Homo Arch of Antonia Palace (above) Caiaphas Palace

When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!”

John 19:5

The soldiers game, called the "Kings Game"  scratched on a flagstone

As Jesus went back and forth to see the named leaders of the day, spare a thought for the soldiers who beside their duty may find time passing slowly and playing dice games to pass the time.

Jesus used the Last Supper to show what His death would accomplish,

as Roman soldiers crucified Him. The excruciating physical pain was accompanied by much more. The sky went dark and Jesus cried out that

God the Father had  abandoned Him.  God the Father turned His back

on His Son as Jesus took on our sin and the wrath of God, the punishment

we deserved. Jesus died and became the perfect sacrifice.

Experiencing this loneliness, this pain, this punishment was the worst

suffering imaginable, yet He still chose to take the punishment for us

so we could have a relationship with God. What amazing love!


Golgotha - place of the skull

Two rebels were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left.   Matthew 27 


From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.  About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  v.45


Jesus, we can never understand the suffering You experienced for us. You took our place so we could have a relationship with You forever. Thank You for loving us even when we didn’t love You. Thank You for your perfect sacrifice.  Amen

St Anne`s Church near the Bethsaida Pool in Jerusalem

has amazing acoustics

Death & Burial

At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid.   John 19:41

Garden tomb.

Garden Tomb

As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, … 

Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away.   Matthew 27:57-61

Easter Saturday

Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.

Luke 23:56

Much had happened thus far in Easter week, culminating in the death of Jesus Christ who was laid in the tomb.  Saturday was the Sabbath during which no work could be done.   Further preparations by the women, and the decisions that the remaining disciples needed to make, would have to wait.

No more is known about their actions, though it is likely they acted in the same way as the Sunday - they met behind closed doors!

However, the religious authorities were still cautious and asked Pilate for a guard on the tomb. Either a Roman Guard or the Sanhedrin's Temple Police were provided for the job.


Easter Sunday    -    He is Risen !


After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, they bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away

from the of the tomb?”

Matthew 28:1

old city st.

Abundant fragrant spices in the market

Old City of Jerusalem markets

The story of Easter morning is a story of surprise and complete reversal of expectation. The women including Mary aim to go to fulfil the ritual as part of their grieving together. 

They go prepared with their spices but have very practical questions. Fear may be present with the shock of all that had happened in one short week. They are deep in grief, confused, and perhaps even angry as they find that the body has been moved. Like all serious moments of our lives, there can be powerful emotions. Where death was expected there is the sudden discovery that death is not final.. Where the women expected to discover the broken body in the tomb they encountered one who has been transformed - but not before they had practical questions to answer, and assumed incorrect premises.

women with cops

There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the LORD came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.

Matthew 28:2

Similarly the Guards wondered what had happened - but with the added fear of failure.

risen. Garden Tomb
tomb light better.

Alleluia. Christ is risen.          He is risen indeed. Alleluia.

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ      

He has given us new life

and hope by raising

Jesus from the dead.

If uncertainty and fear were around before the women reached the tomb, imagine the fear now!  The guards had fainted and run away, but the women persisted with their task.  First Resurrection witnesses, even though they didn`t understand what they had encountered, and were not classed as reliable in the law of the time, yet chosen to be bearers of the Good News.

tomb garden
gdn peace.j
Tomb entrance

Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”  Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried  him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will 

get him.”     Jesus said to her, “Mary.”

John 20:15


The disciples had their own fears, keeping behind locked doors, but two headed home to Emmaus


Jesus, Lord of the empty tomb  -  We pray for health and restoration for our world.


Jesus, Lord of the empty tomb - we pray for all those unwell and suffering.  Bring Your healing to individuals, nations and the world.


We give thanks for those who show compassion, and support those who suffer, and the many kindnesses we

have encountered.

Mary was in shock. A heightened time of emotional extremes.  We don`t know where the other women were, perhaps back with Peter and John. Mary was alone in the garden probably wondering around in a daze, crying.  until she came upon a man she thought was the gardener.  When he asked the reason for her crying, she asked where the body had been taken - still not yet believing that Jesus was alive. 


When He spoke Mary`s name she recognized His voice and falling at his feet clung to Him. No one was ever going to take Him from her again if she had anything to say about it!  She hadn’t recognized Him at first because she never expected to see Him alive again, at least not in this world. But the sound of His voice was undeniable.  Jesus would make himself known by those things we will recognised Him by.

3 jews in mkt.

Jesus, Lord of the empty tomb - We pray for those who grieve.  May all who mourn be comforted.  We pray to the God who promises to wipe away every tear.


Lord give us your eternal hope through you our wounded, risen Lord. 

2 to emmaus nazareth-village



Jesus, Lord of the empty tomb -  We praise you for sharing our vulnerability and your victory over sin and death by your death on the Cross, and your

victory in rising again.


Praise you that you have risen to new

life, and raised us to new life with you.  Fill us now with your Hope and Shalom.                               Amen

The hope we have in Jesus, Messiah, risen from the dead.



the story continues ....


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